今月はサファルの月です。これはヒジュラの月、つまり悪から善への精神的移行の月です。今日の金曜説法のテーマは、ハラーワタル・イバーダ(崇拝の甘美さ)です。イマーム・ザハビーは、預言者ムハンマド(彼に祝福と平安あれ)から数えて3世代目の人びとの1人であるイマーム・アフマド・ビン・ハルブの言葉を引用しています。「私は50年間アッラーを崇拝してきましたが、3つのことをやめて初めて、ハラーワタル・イバーダ(崇拝の甘美さ)を見つけました。その3つとは、1. 真実を語ることにおいて、人に気を遣うことをやめました。2. 正しい人と付き合うために、罪深い人との付き合いをやめました。3. 来世の甘美さを見つけるために、現世への執着を捨てました。」
1. 真実を語ることにおいて、人に気を遣うことをやめた
2. 正しい人との付き合うために、罪深い人との付き合いをやめた
3. 来世の甘美さを見つけるために、現世への執着を捨てた
This is the Month of Safar: Month of Hijrah: Spiritual Migration from evil to good.
Topic of my khutbah today is Halawatal Ibadah or the sweetness of worship.
Imam Dhahabi (ra) has cited this statement of Imam Ahmad ibn Harb (ra) who is the Tābiʿū al-Tābʿīn, the third generation of Muslims since the Prophet Muhammad (saw).
He said I worshipped Allah for 50 years, but I only found the Halawatal Ibadah (sweetness of worship) after abandoning three things:
1. I abandoned pleasing the people in order to be able to speak the truth.
2. I abandoned the companionship of sinners until I found companionship of the righteous.
3. I abandoned the sweetness of this life until I found the sweetness of the hereafter.
The first: I abandoned pleasing the people in order to be able to speak the truth.
The message of the Qur’an is good news and warning for all mankind. We have an obligation to convey both information to non-Muslims without hiding. But Muslims do not want to tell non-Muslims about the torment of Hellfire at all. It is easy to imagine why. It is not information that non-Muslims would appreciate. But all Muslims know it. All Muslims know that if they don’t believe in Allah and prepare for the Hereafter, they are in danger. Of course, we should not inform them about hell from the beginning, but we should start by telling them that to know Allah is to know Good and must warn those who deny Allah (Goodness).
By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (103:1-3)
Let us tell the truth of the Quran together!
Secondly, Imam Ahmad ibn Harb (ra) also rightly said I abandoned the companionship of sinners until I found companionship of the righteous.
What is the most important difference between Satan and Adam learned from the story of Adam in the Quran?
In fact, both committed wrong-doings
Satan or Iblis did not prostrate to Adam in spite of the fact that it was commanded by Allah.
Adam and Hawah approached the tree which was forbidden by Allah.
The difference lies in their reactions after disobedience to Allah’s command.
In the Quran 7:14-16:
Satan said “Give me respite till the day they (people) are raised up.”
The Lord told him, “We will grant you this respite.”
[Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path.
On the other hand, Adam and Hawah said in 7:23, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.”
Can you see the difference in their reactions after their wrong-doings.
Satan did not repent while Adam and Hawah did repent.
Satan made an excuse while Adam and Hawah did not excuse but said we have wronged ourselves. The most important difference between Satan and Adam lies in repentance and admission of own wrong-doings.
Wrong-doing is not a rebellion; it is failure to remember Allah’s instructions, and Satan’s goal is to make us forget His guidance (58:19; 20:115). Since we are weak and forgetful, Allah sent prophets and messengers to remind us of His command again and again.
Muslims should do good even if it is small but we admit that maintaining a sinless life in the long run is impossible. The Qur’an 16:61 says that people are sinful and blameworthy: “If Allah were to punish men for their wrong-doing, He would not leave, on the (earth), a single living creature.”
Imam Ahmad ibn Harb (ra) rightly said I abandoned the companionship of sinners until I found companionship of the righteous. We are somewhat all sinners because we do not fully fulfill the command of Allah. But when we repent, and we must repent because of our weakness of heart, we can be the people among the righteous. This is the way of salvation of soul since Adam (as). So, let us abandon the inner and outer companionship of sinners all together.
Lastly, I abandoned the sweetness of this life until I found the sweetness of the hereafter.
Losing attachment to this life does not mean living lazily. It is important to work to the best of our ability in this life, to help others, to earn money, to get married, and to raise children. It is obligatory for capable Muslims to pay zakat and help the poor. The problem, however, is that we become attached to the sweetness of this world. This problem is especially pronounced when we are healthy and have free time. When people have free time, they often do not do good. For example, people spend most of their free time playing smartphone games, reading smartphone comics, watching anime, etc. They are wasting time on aimless video watching and meaningless chatting. In the past, the president of Shinshu University said, “Do you want to stop using your phone or do you want to stop going to university? These are words that remind us that technology has a negative side. It is not that technology is evil, but it is how we use it that is being asked of us. That’s why if goals are set for the next life, this kind of “wasted time” will almost disappear. Let’s remind each other for the next life.
By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (103:1-3)
Abu Huraira reported: the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever performs wudu (ritual purification) in an excellent manner, comes to Friday prayer, and listens while remaining quiet, his sins will be forgiven until the next Friday. Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 857
We come here for Friday prayer and other prayers for repentance and asking for forgiveness and pardon from Allah. This is the Month of Safar: Month of Hijrah: Spiritual Migration from evil to good.
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