The current Muslim population in Japan is about 0.2%. The population of Japan is approximately 124 million, of which 230,000 are Muslims out of which about 10% only is local Japanese Muslims. Many Japanese non-Muslims are unaware of the true message of Islam, and it is mandatory for Muslims to convey and invite them to the true message of Islam. The Quran says, “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.” (16:125) However, there are several hurdles. In general, the Japanese are not interested in religion. Also, Islam has an image of danger and terrorism. Moreover, there are few opportunities to learn about Islam in Japanese language and to interact directly with Muslims. Many masjids do not plan dawah programs for Japanese non-Muslims. That is why I have developed a method and event that allows the Japanese non-Muslims to get to know Islam in a casual and soft way. This is called “My Muslim Neighbors” invitation program. It provides opportunities for the Japanese non-Muslims to meet and talk with foreign intelligent Muslims who can speak Japanese face to face. My role is as a ‘magnet’ to bridge the gap between Japanese non-Muslims and Islam (foreign Muslims). Through simple and clear introduction of Islam and direct human interaction with the Muslims from different countries, the non-Muslims can easily learn about Islam and remove negative image of Islam in a short time. In fact, most of the Japanese new Muslims embraced Islam through direct interaction with foreign Muslims. The event makes use of the more than 140 masjids and Islamic centers located throughout Japan so that Japanese people can drop in casually. For the first year, I make a proposal of 11 different locations around Japan with the budget below.
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1. Set your daily giving amount.
2. Select our campaign of dawah in Japan.
Please see our campaign: https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/dawah_to_japanese_nonmuslims_part_2
May Allah’s forgiveness, blessing, peace abd reward be upon you all.